Scuba Diving

Divers of all levels are welcome at DiveBase. Our services range from introductory dives to advanced and pro PADI certifications, each designed to enhance your skills and passion for the underwater world. Guided by our team of seasoned instructors, you'll receive personalized attention and the highest safety standards.

Scuba Diving is a gateway to an incredible underwater universe waiting to be explored. With your first dive, you will unlock the door to a different world. Discover Scuba Diving is the first step on a journey that can change your life. Try it and prepare to be amazed by the wonders that lie beneath the surface.

Our dive center takes pride in guiding people on their journey from scuba diving novices to experienced PADI certified divers. Starting with beginner courses, we gradually introduce you to advanced trainings, reinforcing your skills and confidence in the water. Our seasoned instructors provide continuous support and mentorship, ensuring you learn and progress in a safe and fun environment.

We offer the full range of PADI scuba and freediving courses. Whether you're a complete novice looking to experience the wonders of the underwater world for the first time or a seasoned Pro aiming to enhance your skills, we have a course just for you. Our certified instructors carry a wealth of knowledge and experience, ensuring you receive top-notch training in a safe and fun environment.

Specialty courses are a fantastic way to tailor your diving journey to your interests and enhance your capabilities and enjoyment as a diver. They elevate your diving experience and broaden your horizons by introducing you to diverse aspects of diving, such as wreck, deep or night diving. Empower yourself with advanced skills and knowledge to get a deeper understanding that will boost your confidence, enabling you to handle a wider range of situations underwater.

Explore awesome dive sites with us. Our experienced dive guides will show you the best routes and dive profiles. We will plan and organize everything to make sure that you have a safe and exciting experience.

If you've been out of the water for several months, doing a refresh dive is a great way to brush up on your skills, reminding you of key practices like buoyancy control, equipment setup and emergency procedures. It will also help you regain your confidence underwater, ensuring that you're calm, relaxed and ready to fully enjoy your dive. By doing a refresh dive, you're prioritizing not just your safety, but also the safety of your dive buddies.

We are committed to guiding the next generation of PADI professionals on their journey to becoming the best divemasters and instructors. We are a PADI Five Star IDC center and offer the full range of PADI professional certifications. Our experienced trainers take pride in guiding and mentoring each candidate, focusing on teaching the advanced skills and knowledge needed to excel in the professional diving world. We emphasize the importance of passion, attitude and respect.

If you are planning a trip with a group of divers, let us know. We will be happy to host you and help with the organization. We will work with you to prepare the perfect program and offer special group discounts.

Join us on epic annual dive trips to some of the world's best diving destinations. Expect plenty of dives that will quickly ramp up your dive experience. It's not just about diving though. We're all about creating a friendly, social atmosphere where everyone can share their experiences, learn from each other and have a great time.