
You're in the right place if you're looking for more opportunities to dive, improve your skills and make memories both under the water and on the surface. Our diving club is an awesome group that shares a deep love for diving and having a good time. We're a community of like-minded people coming together to explore the underwater world and enjoy each other's company.

Club Charter

Club Card

Bob Sponge Name
007 Card Number
2022-03-01 Member Since

Join the Club!

  • 5% discount on diving courses of all levels
  • 10% off the equipment price in selected partner dive shops
  • Heads-up on future promotions and events
  • Booking priority on DiveBase trips and events
  • Special discounts on guided dive packages
  • Club-exclusive skill mastery dives with DiveBase instructors
  • Club-exclusive diving excursions
  • Marine biology nights and social events

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